Beach Break Live!
Reading time: 5 min

Right well, now that I am home, have showered, eaten and rested a little after an epic weekend I suppose that its only fair to share with you all the wonders of my little festival weekend. To start with, Beach Break Live is a three day student festival based in Pembrey Country park, South Wales right on the shores of an 8-mile long beach. It is heavily themed around the extreme sports crowd with such events as boarding contests (Snow, Skate, Wake. The Lot) and also Animals bike tour doing some shows etc. As you may expect with being in Wales, the weather was abs0lutely ghastly from Thursday right through until Saturday afternoon when the rain finally disappeared and was replaced by blistering sunlight through until the festivals end.

End of Year 2 and the Summer Ball
Reading time: 3 min

Yup, that’s right guys. I am now reporting to you again from the comfort of my real Midland home, not the Bangor Flat.I’ve only been home for about 7 hours yet somehow I’m already missing some part of Bangor and the folks but on the plus I get to see the family again. Anyways, year two is officially over for me and what a strange year it has been! As you’ll have seen from the numerous posts here on Zombie Dinosaurs, over the year I have attended a few gigs and got a lot more involved in the whole of StormFM all ready for next year which I hope is going to be totally as cool as this past one was.

Bangor Aid 2011
Reading time: 2 min

Over the weekend just gone I spent most of my hours at the Bangor Aid festival with StormFM. Bangor Aid was a 2 day charity festival to raise money for Bangor homeless folks, the event showcased many local artists as well as other world music acts.

Fast & Furious 5: Rio Heist (Fast Five)
Reading time: 2 min

So, as some of you may have seen, I absolutely loved this film. I’m not really sure what it was about it but it was totally awesome. Possibly the best so far. Potential Spoilers Follow!!