Meillionydd 2012 – Week Four

So as we close into the final week of the excavation the weather finally decides to come around to a more workable condition. Just as well really as the last week is always quite a tense time, with the end looming and work still to be carried out.
For the majority of the week I have been working back in trench 2 again, mostly drawing and planning the sections of the working baulk that sits through the roundhouse. Quite a time consuming task based on the amount of wall stones and smaller slump and infill stones that needed to be detailed but we did finally come out with a really nice section profile.

As the week started to wrap up we moved around to other trenches to help finish plans and section profiles before finally photoing the entirety of the excavated roundhouse wall both inside and out, then beating the baulk out to finally expose the whole structure.

Inevitably the JCB arrived and filled in all our beautiful trenches and our baby, Meillionydd was put back to sleep for another year. Needless to say the ritual party related to the closing of the site was one of great proportion again. Drink was drunk, songs were sung, memories were made and friendships were forged.

Here’s to those new friendships and to hoping I can find my way back to Meillionydd 2013. Indiana Biscuit

For more on the dig from others, check out Meillionydd Dig Diary 2012